W tej aktualizacji dostaliśmy najnowsze wersje:
- artwork-cinnamon-minimal
- artwork-i3
- cinnamon 3.4.2-1.1
- cinnamon-desktop 3.4.2-0.1
- cinnamon-screensaver 3.4.1-0.2
- cinnamon-session 3.4.1-0.1
- cinnamon-settings-daemon 3.4.2-0.1
- cinnamon-wallpapers
- disable-tracker 0.1-2
- ff-theme-util 1.3-2
- guayadeque 0.4.5-2.1
- i3lock
- lightdm-slick-greeter 1.0.8-2
- manjaro-architect 0.8.12-4
- manjaro-architect-launcher 0.8.12-4
- manjaro-awesome-settings
- manjaro-bspwm-settings
- manjaro-zsh-config 0.6-1
- nemo 3.4.3-0.1
- pix 1.4.4-1
- vertex-maia-gtk3
- vertex-maia-themes
- vertex-themes
- xed 1.4.3-1
- xreader 1.4.3-1
- lighter-gnome 0.1-1
Obecnie wspierane kernele:
- linux310 3.10.106
- linux312 3.12.74 [EOL]
- linux316 3.16.44
- linux318 3.18.57 [EOL]
- linux41 4.1.41
- linux44 4.4.73
- linux48 4.8.17 [EOL]
- linux49 4.9.33
- linux410 4.10.17 [EOL]
- linux411 4.11.6
- linux-RT-LTS 4.4.70_rt83 (x86_64)
- linux-RT 4.9.30_rt21 (x86_64)
Zaktualizowane pakiety:
- stable community i686: 137 new and 134 removed package(s)
- stable community x86_64: 140 new and 137 removed package(s)
- stable core i686: 4 new and 3 removed package(s)
- stable core x86_64: 4 new and 3 removed package(s)
- stable extra i686: 75 new and 74 removed package(s)
- stable extra x86_64: 75 new and 74 removed package(s)
- stable multilib x86_64: 10 new and 9 removed package(s)
Źródło(oficjalne forum)